The symbol B is used for branching ratios, f for production fractions, and σ for cross sections. The decay amplitudes for longitudinal, parallel, and perpendicular transverse polarization in pseudoscalar to vector-vector decays are denoted $A_0$, $A_\parallel$, and $A_\perp$, respectively, and the definitions $\delta_\parallel = \mbox{arg}(A_\parallel/A_0)$ and $\delta_\perp = \mbox{arg}(A_\perp/A_0)$ are used for their relative phases. The inclusion of charge conjugate modes is always implied.
- A preliminary version of averages with updates with respect to the last published version can be found on the live page.
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- Summer 2016 (corresponding to Chapter 6 of Eur. Phys. J. C77, 895)
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- Fall 2014 (corresponding to Chapter 6 of arXiv:1412.7515 [hep-ex])